Blog 5: “Social World”- Topic Content Marketing

Nicholas Vella Magri Demajo
3 min readMay 26, 2021

Content marketing is a marketers best tool for reaching out with the market. There is no other better way to promote a service or good than with content marketing. Content marketing is extremely effective especially when knowing the pros and cons of such a powerful tool. Social media platforms give us the opportunity to use such a tool and try to reach our target audience as much as possible within the demographics we choose.

Content Marketing

In order to understand the potential of content marketing, we must understand its advantages and disadvantages. These are as follows below:


  • Cost-effective and achieve better results

Content marketing simply provides better results than traditional marketing. This is because content marketing is targeted towards and modern age and society which is customer driven. It is also effective during short sales cycles.

  • Enhance traffic and conversions

If the content being shown to promote a product or service proves effective, then the audience watching it will engage further with it. This will help boost traffic to other sites such as online shops and spark conversations due to the interest in the product or service.

  • Boost brand awareness, trust, and loyalty

The more a product or service is promoted with a brand logo the more the audience will familiarize themselves with it and engage further. The more a potential client becomes aware of the product or service offered the more the potential customer will build trust with the brand. Should the customer be directed into the content marketing and purchase for example a product and like it, the customer will then become loyal to the brand and even leave positive feedback resulting in more generated interest. This means, good content marketing, interested and trustworthy potential customers, sales in product, happy and loyal customer!

  • Growth in SEO (Search engine optimization)

The more people engage with effective content marketing the better the SEO results will be. This is due to platforms’ advanced algorithmic systems which promote better when using better effective content. The better the content and the more people engage with it, the more likely it will be to reach more people.

  • Reach an audience who may avoid ads

Traditional marketing tends to consist of ads which are spread to all demographics leading to a lack of effective targeting. This means that there is a high probability that there won’t be much engagement from the audience. On the other hand content marketing is much more effective as not only will it be blocked by any anti ad blocking software but if the demographics are targeted correctly the customer will probably engage.

  • Keep costs down

Marketing agencies don’t need to get hired to perform content marketing strategies. Such marketing could be easily done for the comfort of your household saving a lot of costs.

  • Support your other marketing tactics

Gopod content marketing will result in better traction. The better the content marketing on a product or service the more likely the viewer will engage with your other products or services. This is due to better SEO, social media and PR.


  • The benefits aren’t immediate

Unfortunately content marketing could really take some time depending on the strategy planned for the promotion of a product or service. Periods of trial and error are normal before getting great results.

  • Required a lot of creativity and skills

Sometimes coming up with ideas for content which will entice the viewer could be difficult as it takes time and skill. What works best is to try and test the content marketing and see which runs gave the best results and continue posting depending on which post gave better feedback.

  • Not easy to manage

Content marketing is definitely not easy to manage, especially alone. One must go through all the statistics off the posts and see which did best and why to better prepare for future posts which may be more effective.

  • Evaluation

Evaluation of the content marketing data may be very difficult. It is extremely important as it reflects the brand’s reputation, awareness and loyalty. Not only does it require skill and expertise but is also time consuming.

